Exploring the Depths of Self-Reflection


Self Exploration

Delving into the intricate layers of self-exploration, a unique path emerges, deeply ingrained in the reflective essence of spiritual existence.

Beyond the surface, themes such as health and healing serve as catalysts, encouraging a profound engagement with diverse aspects of yoga teachings to allow introspection.

This ongoing process gradually unravels samskaras, revealing habitual patterns that weave through our daily lives, shaping routines, and fueling desires.

Within the realm of yoga, we aim to identify but also comprehend these inner life patterns, with the ultimate goal of no longer being hindered by them.

A beautiful strategy emerges—one that involves the cultivation and nurturing of the contemplative and self-reflective tools within the yoga system.

Tantrik Yamas and Niyamas

These foundational principles form the initial two limbs of raja yoga, emphasizing the critical restraints and observances for liberation from conditioned existence.

By embracing these principles, practitioners gain valuable insights into their inner landscapes, paving the way for a more conscious and purposeful approach to life. This integration of self-reflection within the broader context of yoga not only enhances personal growth but also fosters a deeper connection with the spiritual dimensions of existence, ultimately contributing to a more harmonious and balanced life journey.



  • Non-stealing

  • Moderation of the senses

  • Non-possessiveness

  • Asteya (non-stealing)

  • Brahmacharya (celibacy or ‘right use of energy’)


  • Purity

  • Contentment

  • Determined self-effort

  • Self-study

  • Trustful surrender to the Infinite


Finding Light in Darkness